A12 Bubble Sextant Restoration Manual

27 01 2011

Although the A12 bubble sextant (strictly speaking, an octant) was a good deal simpler than most other bubble sextants, there are still plenty of pitfalls for the inexperienced. In my latest restoration manual I explain the structure of the instrument and how to reduce it to its sub assemblies. I then explain how to service each sub-assembly and put them together again, followed by a section on collimation and adjustment. I reproduce the instructions for use chapter from the original manual as an appendix. There are over 50 colour photographs and diagrams in a total of 57 pages.

If you would like to buy this manual, it is available as a down load for US$18.50 or for $4 extra, I can post it to you on a CDROM. Make payment through PayPal, using my e-mail address as the payee : nzengineernz@gmail.com or Contact me.

A10 and Mark IX series Bubble Sextant Restoration Manuals

25 02 2009

I have just completed a restoration manual for the A 10 series of bubble sextants. This manual with over 100 pages and 95 labelled photographs, takes you step by step through dismantling and overhaul of this popular World War II sextant series. It goes into particular detail on overhaul of the optical system, giving several methods of restoring the bubble chambers. This is not a re-hash of the official manual but a thoroughly practical overhaul manual. If there is life left in your A 10 or A10 A, this manual will help you get it back into working order.


It is available as a pdf download for US$18.50 or, to order and for an extra $4 to cover production and postage, as a CDROM. Your in-box will need accommodation for 7.16 MB.

I have also revised my very first manual, a restoration manual for the British Mk IX series, and it too is available as a pdf download, for US$17.50. It has 98 pages and 65 labelled colour photographs and diagrams. Your in-box will need space for 4.5 MB. Allow an extra $4 if you want it as a CDROM.

To give you a taste of the manuals, here’s a typical illustration from the A 10 series manual, followed by one from the Mk IX series manual:



Contact me if you wish to buy one or both of these manuals. Alternatively, send the correct sum via PayPal to nzengineernz@gmail.com with a short note of which manual you wish to buy.